King size bed
Twin size sofa bed
Mini fridge
Coffee maker
Full bathroom
The quoted price includes taxes
Leonarda Martinez, who was known as La Carambada, was originally from a small indigenous town called La Punta, whose neighboring town was known for having lots of thieves and robbers. She lived at the height of the revolution when the country was struggling. La Carambada was orphaned at a very young age and was left in charge of her sisters. Early on she gave into her lustful desires and it was common to see her on nightly excursions in the company of thieves stealing horses and oxen from the neighboring ranches. La Carambada was short, had dark skin with a wide face and a scar on her left cheek. She had black hair, lively eyes, was hefty and walked with her chest raised. She had a jovial yet frank demeanor and was shrewd, which was a characteristic not common among people of the upper class. She was very attentive to the people of the upper class, especially the women. She dressed with a short and brightly colored petticoat, a short jacket with a silk scarf across her chest, a lovely shawl from the Valle, beige ankle boots decorated with silk or buckles, a decorated hat when she rode her horse and on her neck, ears and hands she wore ostentatious pendants.
There was no party or social event in which she wasnt found drinking or dancing, at a brothel, or surrounded by friends. From the time she was a child she was surrounded by bandits and kidnappers and often she was their leader. On more than one occasion she interacted with government officials because of the criminal acts she committed, which were carried out in the middle of the night.
She was an eternal nightmare for the nighttime guards and found herself in court numerous times. However, one wealthy man, who was indebted to her for her services, was able to pay her bond and she was released. One day Vicente Otero went out to find Leonarda and he found her near La Capilla on the way to Celaya. Otero fired on her and her group and he struck two of them.
Leonarda was one of the people struck by a bullet and was taken to the hospital. Just before she died she was able to confess to God.